Coinboxes are perfect for storing coin-sets. At LEUCHTTURM PACKAGING you can be the designer of your own coinbox. Choose between five different colors and a custom compartment division.






Volterra Coin Cases




Our VOLTERRA series is quality crafted and has a premium mahogany-look grain. The under-lid cushions on the standard models are covered in blue or black satin. The inlay with velour-like surface round-out the stylish look. Our coin cases vary in design, style and layout (1 tray, 2 trays, 3 trays or 4 trays). Various compartment layouts allow the storing of small to large coins as well as coins in round and squared capsules.









Our cases made of printed cardboard allow a fully flexible design. Photos and editorial text can be easily integrated. Special historical or current occasions can be appealingly recognized.

Carboard Cases